
New Jersey Governor Signs Law Designed to Help Women Gain Access to Equal Pay in the Workplace

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has signed into law a bill designed to assist women in the fight for equal pay. The new law prohibits employers from punishing workers who disclose their rate of pay or other compensation information to co-workers who seek to investigate whether a company or employer is engaging in compensation discrimination.

In 2009, data compiled by the United States Census Bureau found that women earn about three-fourths the pay rate of their male counterparts. In high paying professions, the pay gap is reportedly even wider. Census data also found that minority women tend to suffer the highest pay disparity when compared with white men.

The new law was sponsored in the New Jersey Assembly by legislators Angel Fuentes, Pam Lampitt, and Celeste Riley. According to Fuentes, the law will make it more difficult for employers to continue “discriminatory compensation practices” based on gender because workers will be protected from retaliation over sharing their compensation information. Lampitt, who also serves as Assembly Women and Children Committee Chair, stated she hopes the law will help to chip away at the remaining glass ceiling. Riley added that it only makes sense for women with equal education and experience to receive equal pay for the same job.

Although this law is a step in the right direction for equal treatment in the workplace, our New Jersey employment lawyers understand there is still much work left to be done. Female employees must remain vigilant in making sure they are fairly compensated, particularly in relation to men holding similar positions within the same company. A New Jersey worker who is treated unfairly may only seek legal action where the discrimination was a result of his or her gender, race, age, or another legally protected status.

Unfortunately, many women experience difficulty with receiving fair compensation at work due to gender discrimination. Unlawful gender discrimination may also result in decreased responsibility and influence regardless of a female worker’s experience or other qualifications. Although either sex is capable of engaging in gender discrimination, the majority of cases occur when someone in power expresses a preference for members of his or her own gender. Still, some employers or superiors may choose to discriminate against co-workers who are the same gender. Regardless of who is being discriminated against, all gender discrimination is illegal.

The dedicated employment lawyers at the Resnick Law Group represent current and former workers in both New Jersey and New York regarding matters that involve unlawful workplace gender and other discrimination. To discuss your case with an experienced advocate, please contact the Resnick Law Group through our website or give us a call at 973-781-1204 or (646) 867-7997 today.

More Blog Posts:

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Additional Resources:

NJ Fighting Gender Pay Discrimination, by Kevin McArdle,


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