Late last year, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued an important ruling regarding restrictions on the use of company email accounts by employees for non-work purposes. This ruling reverses a 2014 NLRB decision, which held that employment policies restricting the use of company email for union organizing purposes presumptively…
The New Jersey Employment Law Firm Blog
U.S. Supreme Court Rules that Title VII Prohibits LGBTQ Discrimination in Employment
The U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision on June 15, 2020 regarding employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or gender expression. Many state laws, including the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination include both of these as separate categories in addition to sex or gender.…
New Jersey Legislature Adds Employment Protections Medical Marijuana Law
New Jersey has allowed medical marijuana use since 2009, when a bill originally known as the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (CUMMA) became law. As written, the law did not specify how an individual’s use of medical marijuana would affect their employment. If an employer fires an employee…
New Jersey Legislature Passes New Laws Intended to Help Employees Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has hit New Jersey harder than most U.S. states, and the economy will surely take some time to recover. The New Jersey Legislature has passed multiple bills in recent months intended to help workers affected by the pandemic. Notable bills include one that modifies the state’s temporary…
New Jersey Expands Earned Sick Leave and Family Leave Programs in Response to COVID-19
New Jersey remains in a public health emergency because of the global coronavirus pandemic. “Stay at home” orders appear to have slowed the spread of the virus, but they have also led to widespread economic problems. S2304, a bill expanding earned sick leave (ESL) and family leave benefits in New…
Federal Government Set Limits on Enforcement of Expanded Family and Medical Leave
On March 18, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) became law. This bill is not as comprehensive as other bills that Congress has passed in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, but it has some of the most important provisions affecting employment law. New Jersey employment law provides…
Court Rules in Favor of Employee in New Jersey Disability Discrimination Case Involving Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana use is legal to varying degrees in more than half of the states in the U.S., including New Jersey. The Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (CUMMA), which was first enacted in 2009, allows individuals to purchase, possess, and use marijuana products under the direction of a physician. Prior…
What Are New Jersey Workers’ Rights If Their “Non-Essential” Workplace Stays Open?
The coronavirus and the illness that it causes, COVID-19, have made vast changes to workplaces in New Jersey, the U.S., and worldwide over the course of less than a month. Public health experts have recommended “social distancing” as a way to slow the spread of the virus while the healthcare…
New Jersey Sick Leave Laws in a Time of Public Health Alerts
American society often takes an odd view of sick leave. A common way for someone to demonstrate their dedication to their job is to say that they have “never taken a sick day.” The implication behind this claim is not necessarily that they never got sick, but rather that they…
U.S. Labor Department Issues New Overtime Compensation Rules That May Affect Workers in New Jersey
Federal and New Jersey wage and hour laws require employers to pay overtime rates to their non-exempt employees for any time they spend working over forty hours in a week. The amount of overtime pay is based on the employee’s “regular rate” of pay. Under federal law, some payments and…