
Paramus Party Company Settles Sexual Harassment Case Filed on Behalf of Terminated Teen Worker

The New Jersey Division of Civil Rights has reportedly reached a settlement agreement with a party company that stood accused of ignoring the alleged sexual harassment of a Paramus teenager. According to the Division, the teen endured unwelcome sexual advances and inappropriate comments from a male supervisor for about eight months. In a formal complaint, the teen also told the Division that her former supervisor sent her harassing text messages on her mobile telephone. After the minor female reported the alleged harassment to the company’s co-owner, the teenager claims Screamin’ Parties of Paramus wrongfully terminated her.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, the party company must pay the teenager $15,000 and provide all workers with anti-discrimination training. The company also reportedly agreed to establish an effective harassment complaint procedure. Division Director Craig T. Sashihara stated the settlement was a fair one. He added that the teen is entitled to the same protections more experienced workers enjoy.

Employers in New Jersey and New York are required to provide all employees, regardless of age, with a working environment that is free from sexual and other unlawful harassment. An employer’s failure to adequately address workers who violate sexual harassment policies can expose a company to potential lawsuits and place additional workers at risk for mistreatment.

The vast majority of employment law cases in New Jersey involve sexual harassment or discrimination. According to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there were 624 sexual harassment or discrimination cases filed in New Jersey in 2011. Additionally, the number of sexual harassment complaints filed in our state has reportedly increased by 10 percent since 2006. At the same time, the number of such complaints has dropped by 5.5 percent across the country as a whole.

Sexual harassment and discrimination may be committed by a superior or a co-worker. In some cases, an employer may be held accountable for the inappropriate acts of coworkers who commit sexual harassment. If you suffered workplace sexual harassment or discrimination, you owe it to yourself to contact a skilled New Jersey or New York employment lawyer to discuss your rights.

The quality attorneys at the Resnick Law Group represent current and former employees in legal matters that involve sexual harassment, disability discrimination, medical leave, employment contracts, gender discrimination, and a variety of other issues in both New Jersey and New York. To discuss your case with an experienced advocate, please contact the Resnick Law Group through our website or give us a call today at 973-781-1204 or (646) 867-7997.

More Blog Posts:

EEOC Settles Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Claim Against Long Island Church and Diocese, The New Jersey Employment Law Firm Blog, July 19, 2013
American Medical Association’s Decision to Label Obesity a Disease May Affect Disability Claims in in New York and Nationwide, The New Jersey Employment Law Firm Blog, July 16, 2013
Additional Resources:

Division on Civil Rights Announces Settlement in Case of Employer Accused of Turning Blind Eye to Harassment of Teen-age Girl, State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Press Release dated July 2, 2013


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