Workers have the right, under both federal and New Jersey employment laws, to engage in activities related to organizing and negotiating with their employers. This might involve joining or forming a labor union, but the law also protects more informal activities that have the goal of protecting workers’ interests. Employers may not interfere with employees who are trying to exercise these rights, nor may they retaliate against employees who have engaged in protected activities. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is responsible for investigating alleged violations of the federal labor rights statute. Its General Counsel (GC) may set certain policies for how the agency investigates and prosecutes charges of unlawful activity. In early October 2024, the GC issued a memo outlining her position that certain provisions in employment contracts, including non-compete agreements, violate federal law.
In a May 2023 memorandum, the GC defined a non-compete agreement as an agreement that “prohibit[s] employees from accepting certain types of jobs and operating certain types of businesses after the end of their employment.” Courts around the country have reviewed the validity and enforceability of non-compete agreements. They must balance an employer’s interest in protecting their business with an employee’s need for a job in their chosen career path.
While the specifics vary from one jurisdiction to another, most courts have held that non-compete agreements are enforceable when they have a limited scope in both duration and geography. A non-compete agreement that prohibits an employee from working for a competitor anywhere in the country for ten years, for example, would probably be unenforceable. It would prevent the employee from earning a living in their field of knowledge and experience. An agreement that only restricts competition within a twenty-mile radius of the employer for six months might be enforceable since it sets reasonable limits.
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